Featured Scholarship Endowment

Suzanne Johnson was a devoted mother, grandmother and wife who lost her three-year battle with brain cancer in 2011. Suzanne not only loved her Texas Hill Country home, but was endeared to the future of its youth.

In honor of her memory, the Suzanne Johnson Scholarship Endowment was created in affiliation with The Hill Country Community Foundation in order to award annual scholarships in her memory to Burnet High School graduates.

Learn more about the Suzanne Johnson Scholarship Endowment here.

Named Endowments  

Charles Dagher Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Cynthia Lou White Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Earline Zimmerman Scholarship Endowment

Gladys Hearn Memorial Endowment

Howell Family Trust Memorial Scholarship Endowment

John and Vivian Hoover Scholarship Endowment

Katharine Greathouse Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Lary Family Scholarship Endowment

Lucksinger Brothers Scholarship Endowment

Marie Clark Galloway Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Mary Kate Wall Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Rotary Club of Burnet Scholarship Endowment

Suzanne Johnson Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Sylvester H. Reed Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Violet Carpenter Memorial Endowment

W.C. and Marie Clark Galloway Memorial Endowment

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